Cutflower Nomenclature

Scientific/Botanical Name:

Genus: Tillandsia

Specie: T. cyanea


English Name:


Common Name:

Pink Quill, Blue flowered torch

Botanical Family:

Name in Latin: Bromeliaceae

Name in English: The Bromeliad Family

The Plant

Origin: Ecuador.

Growth Habit: is primarily wet habitat, then substitute "wet tropical" for "tropical or subtropical" ... Climbing or smothering growth habit ...

Flower: inflorescence is a plume of pink or red bracts from which violet flowers emerge.

Blooming Period: Plants will bloom when they reach maturity, usually in 2-3 years. Like other bromeliads, they'll bloom once then produce offsets. Propagating the offsets will allow you to enjoy a collection for many years.

Leaf: foliage grows in a rosette of thin, recurved leaves, Because the roots don't drink up water, these tree-dwelling plants gather moisture and nutrients through their leaves.


Ornamental Plant

Care and Handling

Soil: This is the only bromeliad from the Tillandsia genus that can be grown in a pot. It prefers a loose, fir bark mix, such as an orchid mix or one specially labeled for bromeliads.

Amount of water: Spray with water until leaves are thoroughly wet, 2-3 times a week. Do not soak base of plant.

Nutrition: A very weak liquid feed every month or so over the growing season.

Special handling: Bright indirect light. Brown patches on the leaves means it is being scorched by the sun.

Special feature/remarks:

among the most commonly cultivated bromeliad species. After flowering (lasts for many months) the main plant may die and be replaced by the offsets produced at the base of the plant which will quickly grow to a larger size than the mother plant.