Scientific/Botanical Name:
Genus: Saintpaulia
English Name:
Common Name:
African violet
Botanical Family:
Name in Latin: Gesneriaceae
Name in English: African Violet Family
The Plant
Origin: Tanzania, Kenya, eastern Africa
Growth Habit: herbaceous perennial flowering plant
Flower: flowers are 2–3 cm diameter, with a five-lobed velvety corolla ("petals"), and grow in clusters of 3–10 or more on slender stalks (peduncles).
Blooming Period: African Violets will flower at any time of year provided the right combination of light, nutrients and water. Some varieties seem to be in continuous bloom, while other varieties will often take a small rest period between flowerings.
Leaf: The leaves are rounded to oval, 2.5–8.5 cm long with a 2–10 cm petiole, finely hairy, and with a fleshy texture.
Common household plant but can be used outdoors
Care and Handling
Soil: Grow in soil-less potting mix.
Amount of water: evenly moist,use warm water.
Nutrition: regular feeding.
Special handling: steady warmth, careful watering, good light, high air humidity
Special feature/remarks:
main attraction is the ability to flower at almost any time of the year and its compact size means it can fit on a narrow windowsill. Remove dead flowers and damaged leaves immediately - do not leave a stalk. Remove side shoots on older plants as they develop.