Cutflower Nomenclature

Scientific/Botanical Name:

Genus: Aphelandra

Specie: A. squarrosa


English Name:


Common Name:

zebra plant

Botanical Family:

Name in Latin: Acanthaceae

Name in English: Acanthus family

The Plant

Origin: Brazil

Growth Habit: compact shrub

Flower: Spikes of yellow-bracted flowers are long-lasting.

Blooming Period: seasonal

Leaf: Zebra plant is in reference to its ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves with distinctive zebra-like white veins



Care and Handling

Soil: text

Amount of water: small to medium

Nutrition: text

Special handling: This plant likes lots of light, but not direct. It does not bloom often, but it can be encouraged to bloom by prolonged daily exposure to light. It is also very sensitive to moisture content; too much or too little water will cause the lower leaves to brown and fall off. It likes to be kept moist but not wet. On average needs small amounts of water often rather than a thorough watering once in a while.This plant likes lots of light, but not direct. It does not bloom often, but it can be encouraged to bloom by prolonged daily exposure to light. It is also very sensitive to moisture content; too much or too little water will cause the lower leaves to brown and fall off. It likes to be kept moist but not wet. On average needs small amounts of water often rather than a thorough watering once in a while. Many weeks in flower, longer as a foliage plant

Special feature/remarks:

May have or develop a disorder of unknown origin called leaf crinkle or leaf stunt. Under these circumstances leaves tend to bend downward and twist (similar to epinasty) and/or the leaf blades actually develop a crinkled appearance.
• Leaf drop can be a major problem and is caused by water stress. Therefore, never let the growing media (soil) in which this species is planted get too dry although some experts say that it is okay to let them dry somewhat before irrigation.

• Plants are easy to grow. Plants should be rested after flowering. Propagated mostly by cuttings and sometimes seeds when available.
• The specific epithet name squarrosa means spreading or recurved at ends, possibly referring to the often curved leaf margins.
• Aphelandra: Greek for simple anther, the pollen bearing part of the stamen.
• Will generally grow well in light levels bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort but higher levels can improve flowering.