Scientific/Botanical Name:
Genus: Tillandsia
Specie: T. concolor
English Name:
Common Name:
air plants
Botanical Family:
Name in Latin: Bromeliaceae
Name in English: The Bromeliad Family
The Plant
Origin: Mexico.
Growth Habit: Tillandsia concolor forms a stemless, spreading rosette that can grow to 30 cm. in diameter and 18 cm. in height.
Flower: Tillandsia concolor forms a stemless, spreading rosette that can grow to 30 cm. in diameter and 18 cm. in height. The imbricate, slightly inflated floral bracts vary from green to cherry. Most often the bracts are a combination of the two, with the margins coloring red and the rest of the bract remaining green.
Blooming Period:
Leaf: hardy, stiff-leaved, spikes are lanceolate and slightly inflated.
ornamental plants, terrariums
Care and Handling
Soil: well drained
Amount of water: Watering should be consistent with the amount of light the plant receives.
Nutrition: Bright light combined with a fertilization program in the spring, summer, and fall will speed growth, produce a larger inflorescence, and encourage more offsets.
Special handling:
Special feature/remarks:
One of the easiest Tillandsia to grow. Concolor is an adjective that means "of one color,"
a reference to the uniform leaf color.*