Cutflower Nomenclature

Scientific/Botanical Name:

Genus: Davallia

Specie: D. canariensis (sometimes classed as Polypodiaceae)


English Name:


Common Name:

Deer's feet fern, Hare's foot fern

Botanical Family:

Name in Latin: Davalliaceae

Name in English: The Hanging Fern Family

The Plant

Origin: Canary Islands

Growth Habit: shrubby, bushy, rhizomous, epiphyte


Blooming Period:

Leaf: Fronds are triangular, 4 pinnate, finely divided


ornamental, houseplant, hanging baskets, cut "fronds" are used in floral design

Care and Handling

Soil: good quality potting mix

Amount of water: Mist, keep moist

Nutrition: Water soluble all purpose plant food- every two weeks.

Special handling: Does best with partial shade and high humidity, chill sensitive

Special feature/remarks:

Good remover of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and trichlorethylene from atmosphere. Genus named for Swiss botanist Edmund Davall.