Scientific/Botanical Name:
Genus: Crassula
Specie: argentea
English Name:
Common Name:
Jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money plant
Botanical Family:
Name in Latin: Crassulaceae
Name in English: Orpine Family
The Plant
Origin: South Africa
Growth Habit: succulent upright
Flower: small flowers are star-like in terminal clusters. • Flowers are not fragrant.
Blooming Period: winter
Leaf: leaves not parallel veined. • Leaves are thick, fleshy, oblong up to 2 inches long. A good example of succulent plants which store water in fleshy leaves.
House plant
Care and Handling
Soil: text
Amount of water: As succulents, they require a normal watering when the soil is dry in the summer, and very little watering in the winter. Overwatering will cause them to lose their leaves (it is easy to identify overwatering by the characteristic crinkling look that the fallen leaves have) and eventually the stem will rot away. Though jades can survive overwatering, it is best to keep them on a 10-20 day cycle in the summer, and even less (up to a month dry) in the winter. Letting the soil dry between waterings is essential for a healthy jade
Nutrition: text
Special handling: text
Special feature/remarks:
This species is generally very easy to care for as it can survive for years under a variety of interior conditions. It is not sensitive to high chlorine levels that can be found in water.
While it "looks" like it should be chill sensitive, this species can grow outside in climates such as found in central Ohio.