Scientific/Botanical Name:
Genus: Haworthia
Specie: H. retusa
English Name:
Common Name:
Wide Zebra
Botanical Family:
Name in Latin: Aloaceae
Name in English: Aloe Family
The Plant
Origin: South Africa
Growth Habit: Stemless clustering perennial-succulent, that eventually form large clumps.
Flower: White/Near White Cream/Tan
Blooming Period: Mid Spring Late Spring/Early Summer Mid Summer -Can be ever blooming if you snip off each bloom when it dies.
Leaf: Dark green, pointed and strikingly banded or spotted with white with varying amounts of variegation. Tubercles are "patterned" on the upper surface of the leaves. The lower surface of the leaves have transverse bands of tubercles
Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping Suitable for growing in containers
Care and Handling
Soil: Sandy, fast-draining soil that is barely moist.
Amount of water: Need regular water but do not water again until dry. Watering takes place only when the soil has been dry for days, usually every 4-5 weeks can be enough;
Nutrition: In the spring fertilize the succulent plants periodically, adding, every 15-20 days, a specific fertilizer. Fertilizers for succulent plants must be rich in potassium, but poor in nitrogen, to avoid the plants from developing excess vegetation, which is easily attacked by fungal diseases.
Special handling: Need regular water but do not water again until dry. Requires light shade to bright light (protect from strong midday sun). In shade the body colour will remain mostly green, while full sun will darken it and give it red/brown body colour.
Special feature/remarks:
These plants don't like cold temperatures, therefore in the spring it is best to place them outside only when temperatures are above 15°C